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Can the AeroPress create amazing coffee and espresso? Let’s find out.
Surprisingly, it’s not a yes, but it’s closer than you’d think!
Ever since I snagged my AeroPress, I’ve been on a mission to find out if it can really make espresso. In this post, I’ll break down how espresso from an AeroPress compares to traditional espresso. Plus, I’ll share the top AeroPress espresso recipe I discovered.
What Is an AeroPress?
Discover AeroPress, a unique brewing method alongside French press, percolators, and drip machines.
Origin of the AeroPress
Launched in 2005, the AeroPress is a fresh favorite among coffee lovers, quickly becoming a must-have for a delicious brew.
Alan Adler, who created the AeroPress, wasn’t a coffee expert. Instead, he’s an inventive engineer known for another cool invention: the Aerobie, a flying disc that set a Guinness world record for its super long throw.
Adler truly adored coffee. In 2004, he aimed to revolutionize how we brew it. After experimenting with 40 different models, he finally introduced his masterpiece in just a year. Meet the AeroPress: a budget-friendly, easy-to-carry coffee press that changed the game for coffee lovers everywhere.
How does an AeroPress work?
Drip coffee makers gently pour water over coffee grounds, letting gravity do the work. Espresso machines, meanwhile, push water through the grounds with strong pressure. Each method brews coffee in its own unique way.
The AeroPress is a unique coffee maker that finds its place between simple and complex brewing methods. Imagine a big plunger that fits snugly into a durable plastic tube. At the tube’s bottom, you place a filter, then add your coffee grounds. Pour hot water over the grounds and let them mingle for just a few moments. When you’re ready, push the plunger down. This action swiftly sends the water through the coffee and filter, straight into your cup waiting below. It’s a quick, easy way to make a delicious brew.
This method brews quickly, as water touches the coffee grounds for just a few seconds, unlike the longer drip coffee process.
Just like a Keurig, this method uses pressure, inspired by espresso machines, to make coffee faster.
What is AeroPress coffee like?
When you make coffee, if you brew it too long, it pulls out bitter stuff like quinic acid from the coffee grounds. This can make your coffee taste really bitter. That’s why coffee from a percolator is often known for being extra bitter.
The AeroPress whips up coffee super fast, so it’s hard to mess up and make it too bitter. It’s a lot like French press coffee but even smoother, without any oily bits or gritty leftovers. Perfect for a clean, tasty cup every time!
Other advantages and disadvantages of AeroPress
The AeroPress is a great fit if you’re tight on counter space. It’s so compact, you can tuck it away in a drawer. Plus, it’s even smaller than most single-serve coffee makers.
The AeroPress is a game-changer for coffee lovers on the go. Its small size and toughness mean you can take it anywhere – from road trips to flights, fitting easily into your bag. Unlike bulky coffee machines, you don’t need electricity to use it. Just heat some water, and you’re ready to brew a delicious cup of coffee wherever you are.
The AeroPress Go packs a punch with its super compact design, including a mug and lid. It’s a top pick for coffee lovers on the move.
The AeroPress wins with speed! While drip coffee drags on for minutes, AeroPress gets your beloved morning cup ready in under two minutes. Quick and easy!
The AeroPress is a budget-friendly choice, costing way less than high-end drip brewers or affordable espresso machines. Save big and still enjoy great coffee!
The main drawback of an AeroPress is its small size. It’s made to brew just 1-3 cups of coffee per use. So, it’s perfect for solo sips but can’t take the place of your larger carafe coffee maker for bigger batches.
Why Can’t You Make Espresso With AeroPress?
Espresso machines and the AeroPress both use pressure to brew by pushing water through coffee grounds.
So what’s the difference?
When you use an AeroPress, the pressure can change each time and depends on who’s pressing it. The company says it’s usually between 0.25 to 0.5 bars. That’s way lower than the 9 bars espresso machines need, and even more so compared to the 15 bars suggested for top-notch espresso.
Don’t try to push your AeroPress too hard! Our bodies can’t generate 9 bars of pressure, and even if we could, it would only break your AeroPress. Keep it gentle and enjoy your coffee making!
Hey coffee fans, let’s talk about something espresso lovers can’t get enough of – crema! That rich, fragrant foam that crowns a top-notch espresso? You won’t find it on AeroPress coffee. It’s tough to even think of a brew as espresso without that delicious, thick crema on top.
How to Make Espresso With AeroPress
Let’s switch gears and focus on the positive! Are you ready to move past the drawbacks of AeroPress espresso? Great, because it’s time for the exciting part – learning how to make the best espresso-like coffee with your AeroPress. Let’s dive in!
This recipe takes inspiration from Michael Mcdonald’s original AeroPress espresso method. Check out his work here. Almost every AeroPress recipe out there owes a lot to him. Big thanks, Michael!
What equipment and supplies you’ll need
- An AeroPress or AeroPress Go
- A filter (preferably metal, see below)
- A coffee grinder (if coffee is not pre-ground)
- A coffee scale (or equivalent kitchen scale)
- A water kettle w/ temperature control
- 17 grams of coffee
- Filtered or bottled water
- Your favorite coffee mug
- A timer (like the one on your cell phone)
Why use a metal AeroPress filter?
If you love a smooth, clean coffee, paper filters are your best friend. They catch the tiny bits and oils, giving you a lighter, brighter cup with a focus on those tangy flavors. They’re the way to go!
Metal filters let the natural oils and tiny bits from coffee pass through, unlike paper filters used in AeroPress. This makes your coffee smoother, richer in smell, and less acidic, almost like an espresso. That’s why I suggest using a metal filter for a fuller coffee experience.
Metal filters for your AeroPress are a great choice – they’re truly reusable, unlike paper filters which can only be used a few times.
Whole bean or pre-ground coffee?
Choosing whole bean coffee is a game-changer. When you grind your own beans, you’re in charge of how fine or coarse your coffee grounds are, which is perfect if you’ve got a quality burr grinder. But here’s the kicker: whole beans stay fresh longer. Ground coffee? It loses its magic fast, especially the finely ground kind that exposes more surface to air.
If you’re using pre-ground coffee for AeroPress espresso, pick a fine or espresso grind. It’s not the usual AeroPress size, but it’s the secret to a great cup.
Fresh-roasted beans are better
For a truly amazing cup, always opt for fresh-roasted coffee beans. Beans lose their magic quickly, so beans roasted three days ago versus three weeks ago taste worlds apart. To find where you can get the freshest beans, check out our best espresso beans list.
Does the water quality matter?
Absolutely! Opting for filtered or bottled water can make a big difference in your coffee, especially if you’re dealing with hard tap water. The minerals in water play a crucial role in shaping the taste of your coffee and how well the water pulls flavor from the coffee grounds. While some enthusiasts swear by Third Wave Water for the perfect brew, starting with filtered water is a great step for most of us.
Espresso AeroPress recipe
- Rinse the filter with hot water, place it in the filter cap, and set it aside. Rinsing is especially important if you are using a paper filter and don’t want that hint of papery flavor in your brew.
- Place the plunger about halfway into the brewing chamber, flipping it so that the brew chamber is above the plunger.
- Bring at least half a cup of water to 195 degrees Fahrenheit, slightly lower than you would typically use for AeroPress coffee.
- Grind your coffee until it is fine — almost like powdered sugar — and add it to the AeroPress brew chamber. Shake lightly to level the grounds.
- Place the AeroPress on the scale and tare (zero) the scale.
- Start your timer and pour 55 grams of water slowly into the brewing chamber. This should take about 10 seconds. DON’T STOP THE TIMER.
- Grab the AeroPress and swirl it by shaking in a circular motion for 15 seconds. Alternatively, you can stir using the paddle, but swirling is easier.
- When the timer reaches 25 seconds, attach the filter cap to the brewing chamber, flip the brewer onto your mug (plunger side up) and plunge it as quickly as you can, preferably finishing by the time the timer hits 30 seconds.
Congratulations! You’ve crafted your espresso. Now, you can mix in water for a smooth Aeropress Americano, or froth milk to create a creamy Aeropress latte or cappuccino. Enjoy your coffee creation!
Not a fan of timers? Love music? I matched the recipe to the beats of Bohemian Rhapsody, my top classic rock tune. Discover the recipe on this Pinterest pin.
Hit play on your favorite tune just as you begin pouring the water.
An Alternative: Using Prismo to Make Espresso in AeroPress
Didn’t get that perfect espresso or find the inverted method too tricky? Don’t worry! There’s another way to achieve your coffee dreams. Consider trying an AeroPress espresso attachment. It might just be the solution you’re looking for.
To upgrade your coffee game, grab the Prismo AeroPress attachment. It swaps the usual filter for a fine 150-micron stainless steel one, giving your brew a new twist.
The secret weapon? Prismo’s special valve builds pressure inside, letting you make an espresso-style drink easily without flipping your Aeropress upside down. It’s a game-changer for coffee lovers!
Could You Tell the Difference?
Espresso offers a one-of-a-kind coffee adventure. If you thought AeroPress could perfectly mimic it, I’ve got some news for you. However, it comes surprisingly close to capturing the essence of the drink, much more than I initially thought.
Making delicious coffee with this method is both easy and affordable. Yet, I’m on a quest to enhance it even further. Have you discovered an improved recipe for AeroPress espresso, a new technique for using the AeroPress, or different methods to brew espresso without a machine? I can’t wait to hear your ideas and try them out. Let’s explore the world of coffee together!